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Intensive Psychotherapeutic Pathway

You’ve had it with those patterns you get stuck in and you’re ready to be more conscious and free in life.
You see the path in front of you, your goal, your mission and you want to go beyond those obstacles.
You are quite satisfied with your life in general, but you would like to deepen it even further.

Then a short intensive therapeutic program is something for you.


In this Intensive Psychotherapeutic Trajectory, we will go out together for a short period of time.
When it’s in person, we’ll plan it between November and April. But it is also possible online.

It is about an in-depth approach from an Integrative framework. Depending on your needs, various methods can be used.
More information about my therapeutic background can be found HERE.

A program consists of 5 one-on-one conversations of one and a half hours.

To whom is it addressed?

People who have already had some personal development, but still want to deepen or are stuck again due to circumstances.
People who want to tackle a specific issue in an intensive way.
People who function well in general, but run into problems.

Price: Investment in yourself

€ 525 for 5 x an hour and a half.

Exceptionally, one-off sessions are possible.
You can do that for € 115 for an hour and a half.

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Here's what's in it for you

  • You have more insight into how and why you get stuck.
  • And above all, you have more insight into how you can change this.
  • You have time to reflect on your life's questions.
  • You have a better view of your goal or mission.
  • You have greater self-awareness.