
About Suzanne

and Gratitude

I really want to make the world a little better on my micro level.
I believe that if everyone felt a little freer,
If everyone would like to see themselves a little better,
If everyone were just that little bit happier,
That would help a lot.
And so that’s my mission: to make people just that little bit happier, just that little bit freer, just that little bit stronger.
And if that can be done by doing nice fun things… Man man man, life can be great!
I am so grateful!

"Depth with bubbles and fizz!"

But who am I?

I am a passionate woman in my mid-fifties.
I have red curls and my wardrobe evolved from mostly red to turquoise and mint blue. According to the color analysis, that says a lot about me. And I acknowledge: ‘creative innovation’ and ‘passionately pursuing goals’ are indeed part of me.
I knew early on which paths attracted me. I couldn’t choose. So I just lived 200% for my therapy, for theater and for spirituality.

And I still live life to the fullest. My gratitude for life obliges me to really enjoy it.
When I’m in Belgium, you’ll find me passionately on stage with TIM / Inspinach as an improvisational theatre actor.
You can also find me regularly at the Educational Academy where I participate in various therapeutic courses.
Or I’m somewhere on the road for Itinera Talent Coaching or for interesting questions about team building, self-care, communication and creativity.
Or in Therapy House De Essentie where I record short Therapeutic Trajectories in the winter and mainly act as a Therapist Listener: a combination of therapy and supervision for therapists.
Or nowhere, when I retreat in silence.

But you will find me even more on the island of Naxos, my little paradise. Where since 2016, I have been connecting all my passions under the name ‘I Ousía’ (the Greek for the essence).
Here I organize Therapeutic Retreats that are playful but deeply touching, in group, individually or for couples and I work remotely with people for a whole day in a Deep Dive Day. Or I create new things, just because that’s what you need.

But then I mainly tell you what I DO.

And who AM I?
I’m a big lady and a little girl.
A queen and a princess.
I use my hands a lot and am completely absorbed in what I do. And then I often wonder if it wasn’t ‘over it’.
I am someone who spends a long time preparing, laying out the cards correctly, arranging the chairs, creating the right atmosphere in the room (to the point of perfectionism, so to speak) and then giving the impression that I am a chaotic.
I am someone who often thinks out loud and then is ashamed to have been so vulnerable.
I am a ‘savage’ who is easily hit and an adventurer who buys something on her own on a Greek island and sets up a project there and at the same time finds it very normal.
I am someone who, after having lived 200% for a long time, ran into her physical limits and now wants to slow down and still. And who doesn’t find that easy every day.
I’m someone with a lot of different sides, but that’s quite normal. We are all so many different selves.
I love an evening in my couch surrounded by beads and shells to create, while a feel-good movie plays in the background.
I love going for a walk, with my feet or with my board on the sea – and always with my camera nearby to be able to share all that beauty too.
I have a great relationship, which is still young and playful and I am blessed with wonderful friends and the best soul mate ever.
I am a strong, vulnerable positivist.
I am a human being with a mission.
I’m Suzanne


Would you like to know what my courses are?

With a background in social work and criminology, I developed as an integrative psychotherapist. I immersed myself in the four-year therapy course in Interactional Design and am a Voice Dialogue Facilitator. I even got to learn from Hal and Sidra Stone themselves.
I had training in Psychotraumatology and EMDR, Psychodrama, Focussing, Brainspotting and Hypnosis.
As an improvisational theatre actress, I followed workshops and training courses at home and abroad in addition to the summer shool in Canada.
I gave training and education in the Netherlands, France, Romania, Greece and Slovenia.

Do you like numbers?

55 years of life experience

35 years as a people facilitator

27 years of improvisational theatre

26 years therapist

25 years of trainer

19 years teacher

8 years I Ousía

And what do I do here in Naxos?

I developed a project on personal development. Over the years, it has evolved from workshops and trainings to coaching and psychotherapeutic retreats. More than 150 people have already travelled to Naxos. More than 20 people came a second time, or a third (up to five times;-)).


  • Master's degree in Criminology + aggregate (KU Leuven) and Bachelor's degree in Social Work (Sociale Hogeschool Heverlee)
  • European Accredited Integrative Psychotherapist (Educational Academy Berchem)
  • Voice Dialogue Facilitator (Voice Dialogue Institute Tienen)
  • Specialization Psychotrauma (psychotraumatology, EMDR, brainspotting, hypnosis)
  • Improvisational theatre actor (Inspinach/TIM)
  • Process facilitator and developer of workshops and trainings
  • Teacher and trainer (KU Leuven, EA Berchem, Itinera Antwerp)
  • Author of a book (When Words Speak) and numerous articles, chapters, papers and columns